Money PLANT ( Epipremnum Aureum ) adds beauty to home interiors
The botanical name of this plant is Epipremnum Aureum. Money plant is an indoor plant. It adds beauty to your home interiors and takes away the humidity from the house. It does not require more water. This can be planted easily with simple care. One of the myth related to it is that if you steal it from others home and then plant it, it grow more easily and healthy. This little bundle is considered as very lucky for our home.
The plant can be planted in a bottle too, all you have to do is clean a beautiful bottle, and then fill it with some filtered water and add the plant part with some roots.
It looks very beautiful and if you keep this bottle in bathroom areas or in living rooms, you will see the humidity will be vanished.
View of Epipremnum AUREum at my home –
These are the glimpse of the cute money plants at Home. I have 7-8 of them in total.
They are green in color and heart-shaped in appearance. Clean those leaves by sprinkling water with the help of a sprinkle bottle.
If there are roots outside the plant, you can cut it and sow it again.
Greenery is next to goldniness.
they are very cute Dixita, i dont have any though
Money plant was a common fixture in our house and neighboring houses as home beautification plant! I was always puzzled about why it was called ‘Money Plant’ though
They say the Money Plant is also called “Devil’s Thumb” because it is near impossible to kill it. It is very tenacious and will live even in tough conditions. But guess what, I Killed mine….! As much as I would like the epithet ‘Devil Slayer’ I dont think plants are for me… such a shame becase they look so good.. I like the way you have added yours on top of furniture. Wont take floor space and still add that touch of green to the room
It is not impossible.
Money plant dies easily when they are at Rajasthan
I have a small money plant and I love how very little care it needs.
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Yes, it needs less care and is more good interior
The easiest plants to care for are money plants, and I have dotting my home.
Love the pictures, Dixita:)
Good to know this
Thank you for reading the post
We always have this plant at our Home.
Good to know
I have heard mixed views about money plant.That’s why I don’t have it at home
I like the plant
They are beautiful and I want to get few soon. I love the bottles too.
I used to have it back when I was at home. Now I can’t keep it.
Very green plants. Even I have money plant but recently pigeons are eating fresh new leaves ?
Ohh once the birds get hold Of the leaves, they eat it . try to shift them to a new place