What are you doing this summer vacation?
It is the beginning of June, sixth month of the year. Look back it feels like the New Year just passed by, time runs so fast. Time and tide waits for no one. We live in the present holding the memories of past and then those memories of past makes us to laugh and re – enjoy those moments.
And I thought of writing my Journal today. I am reading Book “wonder” these days by R.J palacio and soon I will review the book too. It is a wonderful book and I enjoyed reading it. Now a days I have nothing to do. I read books, watch t.v , eat summer fruits like watermelon and mangoes, cherries and glow.
I watch Shinchan cartoon from childhood
Watching t.v doesn’t mean I watch Daily soaps or any other stuff. I mostly watch Shinchan my favorite cartoon. I love this little kid, he makes me laugh and accompanies me in my loneliness.He is the cutest of all cartoons. In the childood I ended uo sketching him and even buying My school bags and bottle with shinchan embed on them.

Shinchan and Action Kamen shoes
Today I watched an episode in which I saw Shichan was watching his favorire Hero Action Kamen. That day Action Kamen introduced a shoe brand by his show name and when shinchan saw that he wanted to own those shoes.
During ny childhood days my favorite superhero was Batman and I made sure to buy all the tees and masks which I got by batman.
Shinchan asked his mom to get those new shoes. Her mom refused to get him unless and until the old ones torn or lost.
Shinchan was a die hard fan of action kamen and a naughty kid.
So what he did was he made plans to gt the new shoes.
Plan A He took his shoes and went to his dog house. He dig a hole downside the dog house and kept jis shoes there. He warned his Dog sherro to not say anyone about this.
His mom saw this from window and his plan was failed.
Plan2 Next what shinchan did was he wore around 2 dozens of socks and then called his mom telling mom the shoes doesn’t fit my tiny feets, I am grown up boy now I want a new pair.
His mom scolded him, taken away the socks .
Plan c -This time his mom made a plan.
She told shinchan if he go to super market and get him some grocery, his shoes will be used and by that they will be torn easily.
So shinchan took a wagon and went to take grocery.
He went on his feet to the most far away groocery store.
The little boy also picked up his neighbour’s grocery so that if he lift more weight.
His shoes will becomes shaby early.
His mom waited for him but as he didn’t take a bus but walked on his feet because he actually wanted the bew shoes.
He got late.
His Neighbour aunt told shinchan’s mom that he helped her too in the super market by picking up her goods.
This made her mom emotional, she was touched.
The next day shinchan looked at his shoes, They still appeared new and would take very long to get torn. With a sad face Shinchan went to school.
His mom got his new shoes pair to surprise him when he came back from school.
He smiled, took the shoes.Did an action kemen act and attached the shoes to his heart
Telling ” Mom, why you placed Action Kamen shoes on floor; when theya re menat to be placed in heart”.
His mom laughed at his innocence.
I was happy with this little story
Watch the episode here –
Shinchan In Hindi | Mom Mujhe Action Kamen Shoes …: http://youtu.be/Khi_1ZO9aFI
Conclusion –
Here the mom isn’t spoiling kid by giving them whatever they ask for easily instead make them realise the value of things and get the work done from children by giving them what they desire
This cartoon drives me to my childhood and I will say moms shoudn’t stop kids from watching shinchan instead teach them the good side of the episodes. There is something in every episode that touches heart.
Heya. I too love Shinchan and now his language is much more sophisticated than the earlier episodes I watched. Link you mentioned isn’t working. Would like to watch this one. Shinchan for me is to never grow up, no matter how hard world try to make me one 🙂
Stay amazing
From :
Infinite Being ?