As a kid I remember, the one thing which used to fill me with immense excitement was my TV time. It was my ticket to paradise. I binge watched a lot of popular shows among kids. That little screen with borders around, showed so many good things ranging from kids shows to music, dance and many other entertainment programs. I was awed with the serials I watched but in today’s time with the advancement of technology kids are getting to watch a lot more shows with better graphics and educational skills, it makes them a world of wonder among ZEE5 kids .
Watching TV is a world of wonder and improves imagination power of kids
Kids tryst with these serials has sharpened their imagination power. Apart from being a rich source of entertainment, studies have shown that watching good shows has strong positive effects on the brain of kids as it enables them to stay mentally intrigued to fictional friends. Here is a list of Popular Shows Among Kids on ZEE5 and why they are so much enjoyed by the kids –
my analysis of the popular shows among kids on ZEE5
1. Chhota Bheem – All kids out there, raise your hands if you watch Chhota Bheem ? I watch it too and it is my little secret which I am sharing with you all. The story of this serial revolves around the village of Dholakpur with friends Bheem, Chutki, Raju, jaggu. They are always on a mission to protect the king and Rajkumaroi Indumati and their village from misfortune but Kalia and Dholu, Bholu are mischief creator, they wants to prove that he and his friends gang is better than Bheem and in doing so he uses all the evil tricks but none of them works at end and Bheem and his friends always win because they speak truth and never harm anyone. The serial emphasis on areas like respecting elders, engaging in outdoor games and activities and celebrating life everyday by showing the importance of different festivals.

2. Eena Meena Deeka – It is a popular Indian animation series among kids. It is a comic show where the three cute chicks are spied by a fox and then the fox undergoes all the trouble that he creates for the three of them. When I watch this series I laugh so aloud that it hurts my stomach. The fox wants to eat them and he plans everything to make it possible but the cute chicks always escapes all the trouble and the fox ends up harming himself. I like the graphics of this series and the music, it adds life to it.

3.Vir, the Robot Boy – This is also an animated Indian TV series. The genre of the series is adventure so I strongly recommend this series to all our boys and girls who love experimenting with thrill and adventure in life. The central character of the show is Vir, He is a robot with all the inbuilt emotions like that of a human. Dr. Sahay, an old man created this robot so that he can help others. Every episode is an adventure where Vir, Imli, Gintu and Chulbul (the donkey ) are on a mission, and they complete it with their intellectual skills, There is humor, adventure and science in the series.

4.Toonpur ka superhero – It is a comedy movie with the leads as Ajay Devgan and Kajol .The movie is a funny #D animation movie created to entertain kids. In the movie the character Kabir questions that his father isn’t a real hero and then the story takes pace and finally Aditya as father convince his son that his is a real hero. It highlights a generation which is currently the most advanced and well – educated generation yet, today’s kids have better functioning brain due to higher imaginary skills. Their dreams are philosophical but super power exists too.

Loved this world full filled with fantasy, humor and education then drop me your suggestions and feedback in the comments below regarding the favorite shows which your kids watch. Remember don’t stop your kids from watching TV instead set a time schedule for everything and let them be friends with fantastical world, don’t limit their imagination. After all there is a kid in every one of us and we must keep it alive.
You can also check my review of Rangbaaz Phirse and other series which is making ZEE5 platform my favorite source of knowledge and entertainment.
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