No stress, only Jade Rolling
A healthy skin is the dream of every woman. Due to busy lifestyle our face starts showing signs of aging like puffiness, fine lines, wrinkles etc. These all requires special attention from our side. A normal face care routine of 10 minutes daily can help us deal with it like magic. This amazing jade roller Face Massager by mcaffeine is a boon for face skincare. It is priced at 1799/-.
A jade roller is basically a face yoga tool. It helps to easy the process of face yoga. The Face Massager is made up of a special kind of stone that is rich in various kinds of minerals. It naturally cools the skin. mcaffeine roller designed in a special way that makes it easy for us to use on face. We can also refrigerate the roller for extra cooling effect.

How and when to use a jade roller ?
A Jade Roller can be used anytime. It helps to stimulate blood circulation reducing puffiness and fine lines and improving the elasticity of face skin.It comes with two rolling sides, the big side is for cheeks, jaw and forehead. The smaller side is for eyes, nose and mouth area.
To use a jade roller we have to moisturize our skin with a healthy face oil. I recommend this face oil. Take required face oil in your palm, charge it by rubbing and apply. And then move the roller on face gently towards upward direction. It’s regular use will ensure that problems like fine lines and dark circles vanishes.
It is advisable to use a Jade Roller twice a day. Once in the morning with a hydrating serum to wake up the skin and then at night with a night glow boosting face oil to calm the skin. We can also use the tool to lift our skin before doing any Make-up on face.
How to clean your Jade Roller ?
A jade roller must be cleaned once or twice a week with normal tap water and a mild face wash. This will kill any bacteria available on surface of it. Do not use hot water or chemicals to clean it as it can damage the protective layers of the product.
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