itokri is India’s online store for shopping handmade products. It is my second experience of shopping with them. I ordered for myself a waist belt, a silver bangle, a golden bangle and some lip balms. Last time I ordered the Spice box, check the spice box review. The products on the site are collected and handmade by artists from different states of India. This makes it unique platform to shop amazing products at one place.
Waist belt
Beautiful, handmade and looks classy. The waist belt is looking elegant and adding a western touch to all the dresses that I carry on it with. I like the fine work done on it. It is beautifully finished with delicate pearl work. There are many other waist belts on the site too. They are made by local artists and are looking stunning. check it here to buy the waist belt.

Silver and Bronze bangles
This is a must have in every girl’s collection. A silver bangle and a golden bangle are enough to carry on with all your traditional dresses. They add grace to the outfits we carry and complete the look. We can pair it number of times and it is perfect gifting option for girls. Both the bangles look decent and are of premium quality.There are many other beautiful jewelry pieces on itokri website.

Lip balm and oil
Cool breeze mint lip collection is a must buy if you are someone who crave for lip pampering. It smells of forest fresh flowers and leaves a cooling tint on the lips keeping them moist and pink. It is made up of mint extract, bees wax and olive oil. This lip balm scents natural. It is soothing, moisturizes lips nicely and stays on for long time. The handmade lip balm is a production of India. It is made by bees and handcrafted by women.
The lip oil on the other hand is a blend of various essential oils and natural ingredients that it makes our lips moist for long hours. Major ingredients include jojoba oil, Kashmiri almond oil, olive oil, pure rose essential oil etc. It hydrates, softens, moisturizes and prevents chapping of lips.

Disclaimer –
The review written here is unbiased. It is a collaboration post with itokri but the words are genuinely mine. Only drawback of this site is that as the products are handmade, there are chances of stock over too soon. The handwritten note with the products on a handmade paper made it feel warm to me. Yes, I can proudly say I am happy to be part of itokri shopper.
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